The Rochester area of New York was originally home to the Seneca tribe, who were forced to give up their land in the Treaty of Big Tree back in 1797. The development of modern Rochester came after the American Revolution, with many people flocking to the area because of the arable land and the multiple waterways that offered potential for both transportation and power.
If you live in Rochester or are from Rochester, you are missing an opportunity to help showcase the diversity and beauty of the city if you are not prominently displaying pictures of Rochester. What are some examples of Rochester pictures you can incorporate into your home?
First, many pictures of Rochester feature well known attractions of the region. The former Erie canal runs through Rochester and continues on across the Western part of the state. Today, the canal is a scenic attraction for many, attracting walkers and bikers alike. The city was also once home to Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony, an antislavery leader and an abolitionist, respectively. Today, their graves can be visited in the historic Mt. Hope cemetery.
Second, Rochester NY pictures can also feature more common, but no less important, local happenings. The Farmers Market, for example, offers many opportunities for great photographs, including the murals painted along the street beside it. This summer, Spiderman was being filmed in the city as well, offering opportunities for passerby to get a glimpse of a Hollywood movie in action.
Third, consider the many ways you can arrange pictures of Rochester NY in your home. One idea I would recommend is getting multiple photos of your favorite Rochester places, people and things, and framing them in a multitude of same color frames, of different sizes and shapes. If they are not the same color, use spray paint or other coloring method in order to make them so. Arrange the photos on the wall together and you will have a pleasing wall design, as well as an eye catching photo display.
Fourth, get a picture of the Kodak building! Although the company has fallen from their height at the top of the industry, it has been an important part of photography history and Rochester as well, and perhaps speaks to the fact that all pictures of Rochester, places, people and events eventually become only a memory.
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